What's Your News Theme

Original Pictures' Kim Todd and Nicholas Hirst are executive producers of the second season of What's Your News?, a show for pre-schoolers featuring pre-schoolers' news as told to various correspondANTS - GiANT, ANTony, and others. What's Your News? is an international treaty co-production between Original Pictures in Canada and TT Animation, a subsidiary of Warner Bros in the UK. The series aired on CBC in Canada. It is co-created and produced by Larry Mirkin (Fraggle Rock) in Canada and Jocelyn Stevenson (Barney and Friends) in the UK.

The show for pre-schoolers is produced with a mixture of live action and animation as children speak about their personal news to animated characters called "CorrespondANTS".  Motion capture animation for the correpondANTS and their friends was done in the UK.  Live action with children and editing were done in Canada. Episodes feature Canadian children's news delivered like a real news show to hosts in a digitally rendered studio.  The show has been sold as a format in Brazil and is being actively made available worldwide by Picture Box International.